Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I am still here!

Still going semi-strong. Diet is going excellant!! I have not been craving things and doing great. I did hurt my shin/ankle though. Not sure if it's a bad sprain or a stress fracture. I have still been doing my workouts just not jumping things on the right leg. I AM DOWN 8POUNDS AS OF THIS MORNING!!!! I am so excited about this :). I feel great and am looking great :) I love this body revolution!!! We had a few harried days because we had a funeral to attend out of town, my daughter broke her arm at school, then my ankle... But sticking to it :). We are going out of town for the Memorial holiday. I will pack and bring all of my own foods. That helps me not worry about what I will eat away from home. I am so inspired by the one blogger Trina?? Done with the 90 days and lost 17 lbs!! Way to go!!!


  1. So glad to hear from you! I've been checking your blog to see how you are doing...and it seems as if you are doing GREAT! Congrats on the 8 lbs. Keep up the fantastic work & take care of your ankle.

  2. Great job! 8 lbs is a huge victory. Keep up the great work and keep us posted.
