Monday, May 7, 2012

Trying to be patient

Ugh! A bit frustrated. Still. Today is my first day of week three so I did my weekly weigh in and measurements. Nothing. Actually a slight gain. I did have pita chips last night so I am wondering if I am retaining water. And my "time of the month" is coming in a few days too. Did my measurements because I knew that would give my brain a boost but there was no change there. No increase which is good though. My thighs are VERY sore today from a hard hilly bike ride yesterday so I am wondering if there is some swelling there. I know my body and how it reacts to certain things and it does swell up after vigorous activity for a day. My goal this week is to stay motivated and do the extra workouts for sure. Concentrate on my diet more too. I am not eating bad things though anyways. I do have to drive up o work out of town tomorrow Nd not back until weds morning. So I don't think I'll get a workout in in the morning. I'll do an extra workout tonight and then wednesday I can do two as well. I also need to fit in my run weds. All in all I still love the workouts and program. I wish some of the meals were a little more realistic for me. My family won't eat a lot of the foods so the grocery budget is more. I find that I will make chicken or fish and then just have a salad and not eat the potatoes or rice that they have. Thank you to those that are replying to me!!! It helps to know that this "stall" is normal and that as long as I stick with it it will all pay off in the end :) thank you thank you thank you!!!


  1. Hang in there! Everyone loses weight differently. For me, when I'm working out hard, I tend to retain some extra water (especially noticable if my muscles are sore). I also find that I will lose weight in 'chunks' if that makes sense. Rest up, drink lots of water, and keep up the great work!! It will pay off...guaranteed.

  2. I'm going to blame the period because that always makes me feel bloated and disgusting. I sexing the lots of water recommendation. I've heard it helps flush all that stuff out, but if nothing else you'll burn extra calories going to and from the bathroom all the time. :)
