Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I did DVD 6 for the first time today. IT'S MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!! I just powered through it and loved every move!!! Can't wait to do it again :) All is going well. Diet needs to be better these last few days. But that's because we had a cookoutandwe have left over chips. Ugh!!!! But they are gone now :). After this mornings workout it's like I'm reenergized or something. What a confidence booster :) I hope the rest of the day goes as well. Work then to plant some things in our yard tonight :) Xoxoxo

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Holiday weekend review

So I was MOSTLY good over the long weekend. But I did eat a few bad things. Oh well. They were yummy :). Today is back on track as usual. Didn't get my workout in this morning so I will do it tonight for sure. Looking forward to it :).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Getting ready for the holiday weekend

We are going out of town for the holiday weekend. I have mymealsplanned and packed. That way I know what treat and will not be tempted :) Ankle felt great today! I got all of the workout 3 done and felt great! Yes I am. On week fivebut since I hurt my ankle I wanted to extend my 3 and 4 one more week. I have tomorrow off of work so I can work out, pack the cooler and truck and hopefully go for a little run or walk. :) Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I am still here!

Still going semi-strong. Diet is going excellant!! I have not been craving things and doing great. I did hurt my shin/ankle though. Not sure if it's a bad sprain or a stress fracture. I have still been doing my workouts just not jumping things on the right leg. I AM DOWN 8POUNDS AS OF THIS MORNING!!!! I am so excited about this :). I feel great and am looking great :) I love this body revolution!!! We had a few harried days because we had a funeral to attend out of town, my daughter broke her arm at school, then my ankle... But sticking to it :). We are going out of town for the Memorial holiday. I will pack and bring all of my own foods. That helps me not worry about what I will eat away from home. I am so inspired by the one blogger Trina?? Done with the 90 days and lost 17 lbs!! Way to go!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Trying to be patient

Ugh! A bit frustrated. Still. Today is my first day of week three so I did my weekly weigh in and measurements. Nothing. Actually a slight gain. I did have pita chips last night so I am wondering if I am retaining water. And my "time of the month" is coming in a few days too. Did my measurements because I knew that would give my brain a boost but there was no change there. No increase which is good though. My thighs are VERY sore today from a hard hilly bike ride yesterday so I am wondering if there is some swelling there. I know my body and how it reacts to certain things and it does swell up after vigorous activity for a day. My goal this week is to stay motivated and do the extra workouts for sure. Concentrate on my diet more too. I am not eating bad things though anyways. I do have to drive up o work out of town tomorrow Nd not back until weds morning. So I don't think I'll get a workout in in the morning. I'll do an extra workout tonight and then wednesday I can do two as well. I also need to fit in my run weds. All in all I still love the workouts and program. I wish some of the meals were a little more realistic for me. My family won't eat a lot of the foods so the grocery budget is more. I find that I will make chicken or fish and then just have a salad and not eat the potatoes or rice that they have. Thank you to those that are replying to me!!! It helps to know that this "stall" is normal and that as long as I stick with it it will all pay off in the end :) thank you thank you thank you!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 13

I had a ace this morning! I can tell that I am in much better cardiovascular shape because I ran faster than I normally do. It was a 5K here in my new hometown. I am still a bit frustrated. Doing the workouts as I should be and even adding a second one in the evenings. Still run ing too. I just think my body is like "whoa! What's going on!" And holding tight to the weight I am at. I am just telling myself that it's adjusting and to stay patient. I. An do this!! I can tell I'm getting smaller though because. See it in some of my clothes. And my wedding ring can come off if i pull now before it was too tight to try and pull off I'll do measurements tomorrow just to keep my mind at peace :) Eating is going well. I do find that I'm hungry a lot though. Probably the increase in activity.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 11

So I have been a bit frustrated this week. I hope someone out there can answer me a question. The first week was awesome! I lost 6.5 lbs. they have you doing two workouts a day and yes it's a killer but look at the results! Now I'm in week two and you workout once a day and eat different foods. More calories. The scale is stuck. I am still the same weight I was on my Monday weight in. #frustrated. So my question is this: Should I just keep up with the diet from week one? Add in more workouts? I am a runner so I run a few times a week already but I don't feel that does it for me. Grrr. I have been able to do 95% of the DVD workouts since the start. Now this morning doing DVD one again I can pretty much do it all without stopping. Feels good. I feel so much stronger already. I can tell a difference :). I just want results. I am not cheating. Have not had bad food at all!!! I have had some sushi but it was the healthy stuff!!! No fried no cream cheese. Just avocado cuke small amount of rice and some crab. 45 calories a roll. Again...frustrated. I'm sticking with it though. I'm loving the workouts and sweat more in that 30mins than anything I have ever done :). I still have 26.5 lbs to go!!! Wow.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week one done!

Week one done of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. So far so good. This weekend was tough. Lots of cravings to deal with. But I did great! No lasagne, I had just salad. No ice cream. No pizza. Well I took one bite is all. One M&M. I spent today preparing for this week. Home made whole wheat pita chips. Quinoa crunch to put on top of my yogurt. Home made chicken salad for lunch a few times this week. I did miss my workout Friday night because we were out of town. But I did force myself to run today on my day off. I have another annual goal that I'm doing. I ran x # of miles in January. Then I ran at least one MORE mile than that in Feb and one MORE mile than that in March. Etc etc. so I had to run 3 more for April. Ouch!! I was so sore today and did not think in would make it at all. But I did make it two miles. So tomorrow is the 30th and I will start week two and have to run 1 mile :). Then it starts all over for May. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I think I turned some sort of milestone today. I'm done with day three now. This afternoon I was very sluggish, hot, and didn't feel very well. I wonder if it had something to do with my program. Because after I made dinner I had so much energy to work out!! It's like I did a 180! Today was cardio both times. Ouch. Sore tonight. Tomorrow is day four of the boost my metabolism :)

Day three Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

I'm half way through day three!! I am very sore but have not missed any workouts. I have been doing great on the week one eating plan too! I am liking all of the foods and don't find it difficult to prepare them. It did take three tries to get the poached egg right though. This week one boost your metabolism is tough working out twice a day. So far so good though. I am getting nervous about this weekend and traveling. Inoperable to either pack my own foods or see where icahn get similar foods. At first didn't think 30minutes would give me that great of a workout but I sweat like a hog!!! Hehehe!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day one!!

Got up and did my first work out this morning at 6:45. It was good!! For only a half hour I was sweating like a hog!! It was not too tough and I was able to complete it all. I was starving when I was done and ate my day one jump start breakfast. Greek yogurt with almonds and cinnamon. I'm use to a bigger breakfast so I am already starving and it's only 10:20. I am supposed to eat lunch and then my snack, but my lunch isn't until 1:30. My break is at 10:45 but I don't want to eat my lunch so early! Then that will make for a long afternoon until dinner..all only on one snack ... Hmmm have to work out this meal thing. I had the DVDs put on my iPad so it's nice and quick to get going in the workout. No DVD player to mess with. And it'll be portable so I can take it anywhere!!! I watched the cardio 1 DVD today so I can see what it's like. Looks fun! I will watch workout 2 today too. So I know what to expect for tomorrow. Looking very excited to this journey. I ate like crap this past weekend and felt horrible. So remember that Carrie!!! When you want to eat bad remember how horrible you felt on the way home from Ellen's house and how sick your stomach felt!!!! Don't do it!!! Make healthy choices!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Can't wait to start Monday!! Bought all my week one foods today. Cost a litt E more than regular groceries. Going out for pizza tonight!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

It's Friday! I will start on Monday. I have been getting in all of my bad foods now... To get the cravings out of my system.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Testing the blog

Ok. Figured out how to log in and make a new post. I feel like I'm 85 trying to figure this out! Ha ha. I'm 36 :)

Received my box today!

So here goes my first post. Never done a blog. Don't really know how I even stumbled upon this site to create one. I thought this would help to make me more accountable for my eating and working out. I bought the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution DVD set. I've never done that either. Weight has crept up on me over the years. My "norm" has increased over the years and now has gotten to a level where I am not happy and don't feel good about myself. Everyone always says how small I am or that I don't need to lose weight. Well, I do. Clothes can hide a lot! I am a runner. I don't run marathons but I have run for about 5-6 years. Running races and running to keep in some sort of shape. I have run three half marathons three ten milers and many 10k and 5k races. I ran about 136 miles last year. So far this year I have run more than that and it's only the middle of April. But have not lost one pound. I don't eat the best. I don't eat horrible, but could definitely eat better. Sooooo!! It's time. I saw the neww JMBR program and something just clicked. I got instantly excited about it and felt that I wanted to do this. That I needed to do this! I did a ton of research on the videos. You tube. Blogs. Info. And am even more excited now. So my box came today. It seems that it will be easier for me to start on Monday because then the days will match up with the program. This will also give me time to shop and do some meal planning. I don't think that I can do a lot of the meals included. Preparation time and ingredients are a large factor. I'm a wife and mom and it will be difficult for me to either MAKE them eat my foods or to shop and cook separate meals. I just need to cut out the sugar and flour products, stop the grazing all day and watch my portions. I will substitute foods and try to stay as close as I can but will not follow the meal plan 100%. I do want to try to do the first week speed up thing as best as I can though. So I have four days to cram in some bad foods and get my schedule together for my new life. :)